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作者:来源: 阅读次数:日期:2021-03-12

讲座主题:Are marriage-related taxes and Social Security benefits holding back female labor supply?




会议 ID:243 345 957

嘉宾简介:杨芳,路易斯安那州立大学经济系副教授。北京大学经济学学士、硕士,美国明尼苏达大学经济学硕士、博士。研究兴趣包括宏观经济学、公共财政、劳动经济学、财富不平等、储蓄和住房等。研究成果发表于Journal of Financial Economics, The Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Monetary Economics等国际知名期刊。

内容摘要:In the United States, both taxes and old age Social Security benefits depend on one’s marital status and tend to discourage the labor supply of the secondary earner. To what extent are these provisions holding back female labor supply? We estimate a rich dynamic life-cycle model of labor supply and savings for couples and singles using the Method of Simulated Moments for the 1945 and 1955 birth cohorts. Our model matches well the life cycle profiles of labor market participation, hours, and savings for married and single people, and generates plausible elasticities of labor supply. It implies that eliminating these marriage-related provisions would drastically increase the participation of married women over their entire life cycle, reduce the participation of married men after age 60, and increase savings. If the resulting government surplus were used to lower income taxation, there would be large welfare gains for the vast majority of the population. These results hold for both cohorts, including the later one, which has similar participation to that of more recent generations.

上一条:经英人才培养计划 | 2021年春季学期workshop安排

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